17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Work for ChaCha and make money online!

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I used to be a writer and was making good money but I decided to look for something else because I was tired of writing articles every day. I searched and searched and couldn't find anything and then I found ChaCha! ChaCha is a free answering service where people can text in their question and get their answer really fast. What makes ChaCha so good is that not only do you get a fast answer but it is free for the customer to use.

Different guides make different amounts of money depending on what their job is. Expeditors, which is what I am make 2 cents a question, Voice transcribers make 3 cents a question and Generalists/Specialists make 10 to 20 cents a question. All roles make about the same per hour because of how easy or hard their job is. In my opinion, the Expeditor role is the easiest because we field the questions for the Generalists/Specialists. All Expeditors have to do is take a question that comes in and either answer it with previously asked questions, finders, clippables, or Quick Answers or we edit the question and send it to a Generalist/Specialist. The job is so easy and even though we only make 2 cents a question, the money really adds up. I have made almost $1,000 in two months. The more you work the more you make.

Here is how the Voice transcribers job works for 3 cents a question. People call in to ChaCha instead of texting their question in and the Voice transcribers take the calls and type out the questions. I don't know much more about it since I have never done it before because I am an Expeditor.

Generalists/Specialists make 10 to 20 cents a question because they have the hardest job of all. They have to research the question and find the answer. If you like to research, this would be a good job for you but if you don't like to research, Expeditor would be a better job.

If you want to apply you will have to take a few tests before you can take on one of these jobs. Go to www.becomeaguide.chacha.com and register. You will then have to choose which job you want and take a short test to see if you are a good fit. Then if you pass that test you go on to the training videos and you have to watch the mandatory videos before you take the main test. Once you watch all mandatory videos, I think there are three of them, you will then be prompted to go to universe.chacha.com to take the Readiness Test. You only get one chance to pass the test so make sure you are ready. Also, if you apply, please type in this email address as your referrer, morrissharon712@gmail.com so I can get credit for it, please!

If you have any questions or need help with something about the test or about ChaCha period, you can either go to the forum or you can email me at morrissharon712@gmail.com Good luck if you apply and I hope to hear from you soon!

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