21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Best iPhone Insurance - Protection for loss, theft & damage!

To contact us Click HERE

Lifecan be complicated and unpredictable. People nowadays spend about 5-10% oftheir monthly income for insurance, such as life insurance, medical aid,disability insurance etc. These are so common that almost every working personwill have at least one policy.
However,have you ever thought that you can insure things that are not normally coveredby any other conventional insurance company? For example, your iPhone, Androidphone, rental car, home electrical gadgets (television etc) and even your pets.ProtectYourBubble.comis a new and special company, based in United States and backed by globalinsurance company, not only they have competitive price, they make the wholeprocess simple enough that you can start your policy in just 5 minutes.

 AboutProtectYourBubble.comWiththeir parent company, Assurant, Inc, which is traded on the New York Exchange, Assurant,Inc has a combined experience of more than 200 years. With their domesticoperation in United States, they serve internationally too, with more than 20countries worldwide, and 56 million customers.
WithProtectYourBubble.com, you can now protect your favorite iPhone! Yes, this is aserious offer by the company that you can now insure your iPhone against loss& theft, spills and damage and many more. Replacement will be done nextday, with only $7.99 a month.

Whatit covers?Beingdifferent from the normal conventional protection plan offered by theircompetitors, ProtectYourBubble.com covers for loss & theft of your iPhone.In addition, they provide other protection below:
MechanicalbreakdownEvenwith normal wear and tear, faulty workmanship, or faulty parts when the devicehas been operated according to manufacturer’s instruction.

AccidentaldamageProtectYourBubble.comoffers some exclusive protection. That’s why they also cover accidental damage- Unintentional event that results in physical damage to the device such aswater damage and drops.

Disappearancecoverage Forany reason your phone went missing without your knowledge,ProtectYourBubble.com gives you theft and mysterious disappearance coverage.

Creditmonitoring Services
Apartfrom protecting your gadgets, they also protect your credit in the phone. If,your device is stolen or missing, they can provide careful monitoring of yourcredit for up to 3 months.

Easy steps on getting your very own policy:


Wait, you can even download this app into your smart phone! Havedoubts about the insurance? You can always contact their friendly staff at: Contact ProtectYourBubble.com

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