30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Bed Bugs Removal Guide

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All about Bed BugsBedBugsRemovalGuide.com is an expert site, which provides everythingyou need to know about bed bug in great detail, including pictures, symptoms, andtreatment.

Bed bugs, by its name they are always confine to bed, orsometimes sofa, carpet, and usually sneak out to feed at night while the hostsare sleeping. We do not feel pain at night as bed bugs tend to inject somecompound to keep our blood ant coagulated and also anesthetic effect tominimize interruption to the hosts.
Sign and symptoms of bed bugs- Multiple small, flat orraise welts on the skin that will always appear in a linear three in a row orclustered pattern because of the bed bugs tendency to feed on the same locationmore than once. 
- Rashes may last from few days to few weeks, longer in thoseallergic prone individuals.
- Tiny blood spots on beddingmaterials of dead bugs that are crushed during feeding or staining on themattress from the waste of the bugs.
- Bed bugs feeds on certainareas, such as face, neck, back, hands, arms and legs.

More pictures at Bed Bug Bites Pictures
Treatment of bed bugs bites-  Once you realized you arebitten, it is encouraged to wash it under running tape water for a minute ortwo to reduce severe itchiness. 
- You may also apply antiseptic soap and creamafter that to reduce inflammation and itchiness. 
-  For severe itchiness, oralantihistamines are always recommended.
- Antibiotic is notrecommended at first presentation, unless the rashes progresses to secondary infectionby bacteria.
PreventionOnce bitten, not only you need to treat yourself, but you must do something to prevent similar event from happening again.
- Inspectyour room, sofa, and carpet, contact Pest Control if brown critters were found.
- Clear awayunwanted clutter and clean your room thoroughly.
- Vacuum carpets
- Seal any cracksin the wood floors.
- Wash all beddingand clothing in hot water for at least 20 minutes. Bed bugs are very sensitiveto heat and will die at temperatures above 120°F.
- Use a qualitybed bug spray to kill off any visible bugs.
- Follow up thetreatment with professional insect powders such as Diatomaceous Earth by applying it around the bed and carpet todefend the perimeters.
- Use thick,double-sided tape to tape it around the bottom of the bed frame or use professional traps as a tool to detect and prevent bed bugs beforethey bite.
- Use bed bug proof covers that are designed tocontain fleas and bugs, this can prevent the bed bugs from coming out at night. 
Official Site:BedBugsRemovalGuide.com

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